Some stats from
- One in eight children die before their fifth birthday. (What? You need more reasons?)
- There are FIVE MILLION orphans in Ethiopia
- That is the same number of children under age 18 who reside in Massachusetts, New York State, and Washington DC combined. If every parent in those places died tonight - that would be similar to Ethiopia's orphan crisis.
- More than half a million of these were orphaned as a result of AIDS.
- Over 150,000 children live on the streets
- life expectancy in Ethiopia 39 years for males and 42 years for
females. The leading cause of death is communicable diseases such as
malaria, typhoid, meningitis, cholera, AIDS, tuberculosis, yellow fever.
- Woman have an average of 7 children and the maternal mortality rate is 1 in 14
- Ethiopia's neonatal mortality rate is one of the highest in the world - 49/1000 births with tetanus infection being the second major cause of infant/neonatal death.
- Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world. Over half the population lives on less than a $1 a day. The average income in Ethiopia is US$100 a year. Almost 82% of the population lives on less than $1 a day.
- Malnutrition levels are among the highest in the world.
- Ethiopia is experiencing yet another drought now.
- Only 42.7% age 15 and over can read and write. The literacy rate for women is 35%.
- Only 18 percent of children reach grade five. That means 82% of children don't.